Product Overview
The Glock Firing Pin Spring comes in three strengths. The Factory OEM Glock Firing pin springs are our coded to indicate their spring rate. Red, Silver and Blue.
What is Spring Rate?
Spring rate is the constant amount of force it takes a spring to travel a millimeter of distance. The unit of measurement is the N/mm (newtons per millimeter) in the Metric System. Ten (10) Newtons is approximately 1 kg of force. When comparing two springs the stiffer of the two will have a higher spring rate.
Blue Glock Firing Pin Spring:
Please note the Blue spring is no longer available unless by special order: The blue spring is the stiffest of the Glock firing pins springs. With a spring rate of 31 N it enables the firing pin to achieve greater velocity. As a result the firing pin has substantially more kinetic energy. The result is the firing pin strikes the primer harder. Consequently, this spring is particularly useful when firing cartridges with hard primer faces. An example of harder primers would be some Eastern block manufacturers. Not recommended unless absolutely necessary to detonate a primer.
Red Glock Firing Pin Spring: This is the “go to” spring if in doubt that you need a harder primer strike than factory standard. As a result of a 28N rating the red spring will detonate all but the hardest of primers.
Silver Glock Firing Pin Spring: The standard factory spring weighs in at 24 Newton. Perfectly suited to detonate all standard ammunition makes.